60 Minutes went to Africa to meet world-famous wildlife photographers Beverly and Dereck Joubert. We figured the couple lived an adventurous life in the wilds of Botswana, but we didn't expect what we found on the first day of the shoot.

When Lara Logan stepped off the plane and reached out to shake Dereck's hand, it was red, swollen, and "slushy" from a snake bite.

Married life in a tent. How do they do it?

"It's like having your hand in hot coals," he told Logan. "If it's a black mamba, then you've got 10 minutes. So, we've made the 10 minutes," he added nonchalantly.

Over decades living in the African bush, the Jouberts have made it through scorpion bites, several bouts of malaria, two plane crashes, daily encounters with deadly lions -- and of course, snake bites.

"Anything could go wrong at any moment," Dereck says. "It's probably best for us not to plan for old age." To hear more about this brave couple's life in the bush, watch the Overtime feature in the video player above.

Original article here:

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